Sunday, July 8, 2007

Things what did surprise us about Italy

Jane: Me again after a bit of blog slacking. Just thought I'd scribble a few notes about Italy now that we've left it.

So here they are:
  • How really good the drivers were to us when we were on our bikes
  • How amazing the food was
  • How infrequent internet access was
  • How little wildlife, and yet how big and numerous the insect life!
  • The rubbish left at the sides of the roads and well, anywhere really
  • How poorly the Italians dress in Summer (both Geoff and I had been there in Winter before and they dressed so elegantly)
  • How constant the weather was
  • How outrageously beautiful so much of the countryside is

I think that's about all... My brain doesn't work very well anymore....


Mz Kitty said...

where are youz now?

Mrs Shallot said...

Hi there,
Man, this whole trip looks fantastic! I love the photos and you guys seem so relaxed with all that exercise, sunshine, wine, good food, wine, good food......